Updated: Wear Logger 1.29

Our fitness app for WearOS devices and Android phones has the following updates:

  • New pace option: show real-time pace or overall pace, select in phone options menu
  • On watches with 2 control buttons, tap lower display to toggle between heart rate and pace
  • Turn off heart rate monitor while waiting for GPS fix to save battery
  • Reduced delay after Strava upload to delete temporary tcx file
  • Replaced ‘Delete all’ with ‘Select all’ in Manage data files option

Updated: Wear Installer 1.01

Wear Installer gives an easy way to sideload apps onto your WearOS device. This update adds the ability to extract an embedded watch apk from a phone apk to the Downloads directory on the phone. Also the ip address needed for the phone app is now shown on the watch when the app is run. Some improvements have been made to the file transfer process.

Updated: Wear Reminder 2.04

This app sends Google reminders and other content (news, sports, weather etc) from your Android phone to your WearOS watch. This update ignores the occasional null notifications that Google posts.

Updated: Wear BT Monitor 1.01

Wear BT Monitor alerts you if the Bluetooth connection between your phone and your watch is lost. This update ensures that the app will not alert you if you have turned on Do Not Disturb on your watch.

Updated: Notification Log 2.02

Notification Log 2 reproduces the detailed notification log which was removed in Android 11. This update improves the reliability of the logging process and fixes a couple of bugs.

Updated: Wear Reminder 2.03

WR2 sends Google Assistant reminders from your Android phone to your WearOS device, with optional text-to-speech feature. This latest update includes support for reminders that are created in the Google Calendar app.

Updated: Wear Logger 1.28

This update to our fitness app for WearOS / Android devices has the following enhancements:

  • Centre display setting now persists between sessions
  • Workaround sensor bug when recording steps/cadence on Fossil Gen 5 / Falster 3 devices

Updated: Wear GPS Fix 1.01

This WearOS app obtains a GPS fix and immediately opens a fitness app of your choice. This version adds support for Maps (Mapbox), Myzone and Viewranger.

New: Wear Steps 1.00

Wear Steps is a simple utility app to count steps from the in-built pedometer on your WearOS device.