Updated: Jabp 4.35

This update to our personal finance program for desktop computers includes the following changes.

  • Added ‘User Guide’ menu item to link to online user guide
  • Extra backup file kept: JabpLite.dat > JabpLite_old.dat > JabpLite_older.dat

Updated: JabpLite 4.34

Another update to our personal finance app for Android with the following changes:

  • Added biometric security as an alternative to the (now deprecated by Android) fingerprint security, can be selected in password confirmation form
  • Added ‘Change password’ switch to password confirmation form

Updated: Jabp 4.34

Another update to our personal finance program for Windows / Mac / Linux with the following changes:

  • Support biometric security in JabpLite4
  • Small improvements to password confirmation form

Updated: JabpLite 4.33

Here are the latest changes to our personal finance app for Android devices:

  • Fixed bug which would cause loop if Google Pay processing failed
  • Possible duplicates are highlighted when processing pending transactions
  • If duplicate transactions are found in sync process, that is reported to the user
  • Exporting QIF/CSV files no longer writes Byte Order Mark when UTF-8 encoding selected (it is not part of the official UTF-8 specification)

Updated: Jabp 4.33

Here are the changes to the latest version of our personal finance program for Windows, MacOS and Linux:

  • Fixed bug which would cause loop if Google Pay processing failed
  • Possible duplicates are highlighted when processing pending transactions
  • If duplicate transactions are found in sync process, that is reported to the user
  • Exporting QIF/CSV files no longer writes Byte Order Mark when UTF-8 encoding selected (it is not part of the official UTF-8 specification)

New user guide for Jabp4 & JabpLite4

I’ve been feeling guilty that the user guide which is included in the distribution zips hasn’t been updated since 2011. A lot has changed with both programs since that time. So I am working on a new user guide which is available online as a Google Docs document. I’m still tweaking the content but in the meantime you can view the new user guide here. I’ll also put a link in the Downloads section for easy reference.

I hope this new guide is useful, feel free to contact me if anything isn’t clear.

Updated: JabpLite 4.32

Here is the latest update to our personal finance app for Android:

  • New menu option ‘Pending GPay’ to import Google Pay transactions from other devices; useful if you share a debit/credit card with a spouse/partner (uses new GPHelperDB app included in distribution zip)
  • New Preference turns the above option on or off
  • Pending transactions are now stored in encrypted file while waiting to be imported
  • Auto-detect if amounts are entered as decimals, set Preferences accordingly
  • Updated MySpending app for WearOS (imports voice transactions to JabpLite4)
  • Google Pay readme file updated in distribution zip
  • Added instructions on joining beta programme to distribution zip

Updated: Jabp 4.32

Here is the latest update to our personal finance program for Windows, MacOS and Linux:

  • New menu option ‘Pending GPay’ to import Google Pay transactions from other devices; useful if you share a debit/credit card with a spouse/partner (uses new GPHelperDB app included in distribution zip)
  • New Preference turns the above option on or off
  • Pending transactions are now stored in encrypted file while waiting to be imported
  • Auto-detect if amounts are entered as decimals, set Preferences accordingly

Updated: JabpLite 4.31

A minor update for our Android personal finance app:

  • Fixed bug with Process Now function in Standing Order view

Updated: Jabp 4.31

A minor update for our desktop personal finance program:

  • Fixed bug with Process Now function in Standing Order view
  • Improved detection of default Dropbox directory