Updated: JabpLite 4.22

Another update to our Android personal finance app with the following changes:

  • Long tap on header pane goes to top of list in main views
  • Long tap on footer pane goes to bottom of list in main views
  • Fixed bug when adding/editing/deleting accounts in Account View with inactive accounts hidden
  • Fixed bug when adding/editing/deleting standing orders in Standing Order View with end dates shown
  • Fixed bug in Find View when selecting categories which would not display splits correctly

Updated: Jabp 4.22

Another update to our desktop personal finance program with the following changes:

  • Long click on header pane goes to top of list in main views
  • Long click on footer pane goes to bottom of list in main views
  • Fixed bug when adding/editing/deleting accounts in Account View with inactive accounts hidden
  • Fixed bug when adding/editing/deleting standing orders in Standing Order View with end dates shown
  • Fixed bug in Find View when selecting categories which would not display splits correctly

Updated: JabpLite 4.21

Here is the changelog for the latest update to our Android personal finance app:

  • New option Toggle Dates in Standing Order view, alternates between next processing date and end date
  • Transfer accounts now show explicitly in Standing Order view, instead of appearing as ‘[Transfer]’
  • Improved sync process when updating investment price
  • Updated GPHelper logic for latest changes to Google Pay

Updated: Jabp 4.21

Here is the changelog for the latest update to our desktop personal finance program:

  • New option Toggle Dates in Standing Order view, alternates between next processing date and end date
  • Transfer accounts now show explicitly in Standing Order view, instead of appearing as ‘[Transfer]’
  • Improved sync process when updating investment price

Updated: JabpLite 4.20

Here is the update for our Android personal finance app:

  • Fixed bug which would calculate incorrect today balance in an account where sort order was toggled
  • Improved pending transaction logic for accounts with sort order toggled
  • Updated Android support libraries to AndroidX

Updated: Jabp 4.20

Here is the update for our desktop personal finance program:

  • Fixed bug which would calculate incorrect today balance in an account where sort order was toggled
  • Improved pending transaction logic for accounts with sort order toggled
  • Fixed bug which would give a ‘Cancelled’ message when selecting a Regular transaction

Updated: JabpLite 4.19

Here is the changelog for this update to our Android personal finance app:

  • Introduced new account type “Inactive”
  • Added new Account View menu item: Toggle Inactive Accounts
  • New Preference added to show or hide inactive accounts in the Account View
  • Fixed bug which wouldn’t display Done button when synchronising data not using Dropbox
  • Improved logic for Purge process
  • Fixed bug where editing opening account balance would not update account totals
  • Improved match description logic

Updated: Jabp 4.19

Here is the changelog for this update to our desktop personal finance program:

  • Introduced new account type “Inactive”
  • Added new Account View menu item: Toggle Inactive Accounts
  • New Preference added to show or hide inactive accounts in the Account View
  • Added year to horizontal scale for Account graph
  • Improved logic for Purge process
  • Fixed bug where editing opening account balance would not update account totals
  • Improved match description logic

Updated: JabpLite 4.18

An update to our Android personal finance app with the following changes:

  • Added Reset button to Investment Settings
  • Fixed bug when editing currency code which would ‘lose’ transactions until Recreate Balances was run
  • Added “Tap here to add …” message when in a view with no entries
  • Fixed bug when importing Google Pay transaction with amount greater than 999.99
  • Fixed bug which wouldn’t display Done button when exporting data using Dropbox

Updated: Jabp 4.18

An update to our desktop personal finance program with the following changes:

  • Added information about Java runtime environment to Tools > Information
  • Added Reset button to Investment Settings
  • Fixed bug when editing currency code which would ‘lose’ transactions until Recreate Balances was run
  • Added “Click here to add …” message when in a view with no entries
  • Esc key now acts as back key in main views