Updated: Wear Logger 1.06

This update to our fitness app for Android / Wear OS has the following changes: Can now open GPX and CSV files from ‘Manage data files’ screen via Use button Can now select Google Fit activity type for upload New advanced option: enable/disable heart rate monitor New advanced option: set sampling rate in seconds New […]

Updated: Wear Logger 1.05

This update to our fitness tracking app for Wear OS devices has the following changes: New option to set ambient mode on watch display Added distance and speed to CSV file Touching screen to replicate button presses now only enabled when buttons are not present on device Added more details to Help screen

Updated: JabpLite 4.45

This update for our Android personal finance app has the following changes: Update to create pending transaction for monthly interest from Starling notification Fixed bug when receiving funds in Revolut from other Revolut users

Updated: Jabp 4.45

This update for our desktop personal finance program has minor changes for compatibility with JabpLite.

Updated: Wear Logger 1.04

Here is the changelog for this update to our activity tracking app for Wear OS watches: Watch app now checks for Location and Sensors permissions Watch app now checks for presence of GPS module and heart rate monitor module

Updated: Wear Logger 1.03

We have updated our Wear OS app for tracking runs and uploading to Google Fit with the following changes: Added option to show current pace instead of heart rate on watch display Added pace smoothing option, default is 20 seconds Added option to write CSV files Stored data files now include GPX and CSV files […]

Updated: Wear Logger 1.02

Here are the changes for this latest release of our run/walk logging app for Wear OS devices, which includes the ability to upload data to Google Fit: Added option to vibrate at fixed distance intervals Added option to write GPX files Added phone notification when data are transferred from watch to phone Fixed bug where […]

Updated: Wear Logger 1.01

Here are the changes for this version: Added touch support for watches without hardware buttons Fixed minor bug with delete data option Better compatibility with 390×390 screens

New: Wear Logger 1.00

This is the first release of our app to log runs on a Wear OS watch and upload the details to Google Fit.